Thursday, January 19, 2012

Perpetual Learner

You learn something new every day.  For example: "Paraphernalia."  I learned that there are two "r"'s in parapheRnalia the other day.

Undergrad: Dodge College of Film and Media Arts home to Chapman University's Film School
If you wanted to choose one of the most expensive hobbies ever, choose to be a life-long learner.  It's what I did.  But, I know that this hobby will bring me the best return on investment over anything else I could do in my life.

Maybe it's because I know how to handle the stress school brings me, or because I know there is a massive amount of information out in the world that I need to know.  Whichever the case, I have succumbed to the fact that I will probably always be in school, or training, or partake in some other form of intellectual stimulus.

In Spring of 2011, a friend and neighbor of mine posted a Facebook status stating that Chapman University's Argyros School of Business and Economics was holding a scholarship contest to win a full-ride to the Chapman MBA program.  All you had to do was write a 600 word paper on how earning an MBA would help you to help the Orange County Economy.  So, what the heck?  I gave it a try.  Next thing I know, I'm a semi finalist.

Let me tell you, as someone who didn't think she would go to Grad school, this was a major step for me.  My parents had already paid for my undergrad.  I was on my own.  I had eight days to apply to the school, take my GMAT, pass my GMAT, and enroll in classes.  And, who'dda thunk it, but I did it!  I didn't win the full-ride, but I did win $18,000 to start off.

Off to Chapman (and the poor house) I went again to earn my MBA in Marketing.

Grad: Beckman Hall, home to Chapman University's Argyros School of Business and Economics
I am working with an absolutely amazing group of colleagues toward a degree I will cherish more than any other piece of paper I have ever gotten my hands on.  Though it is a struggle at times to work full time during the day and go to school at night and on weekends, I know it will all be worth it in the end.  I'll probably be bored out of my mind once I graduate with all that extra time on my hands, but knowing me, I'll find something else to add to my list.

Class of 2013: 2 semesters down, 6 to go! 

Classmates Elise, Hunter, Shelly, Paolo, and I at a get together for a school organization

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