Thursday, January 19, 2012

Bucket List

I've been thinking... since I'm claiming to be grown up now, should I write a Bucket List?  I've always had goals that I wanted to reach at various points in my life, but are goals technically bucket items??

Goals already achieved:
Get Published: Most recently here
Go to college: Done
Live on a boat: Semester at Sea
See 25 countries and foreign territories by the age of 25:  Family vacations and Semester at Sea
Find my Biological Family: Done
Meet a Holocaust Survivor: Elie Wiesel
Meet Huell Howser: He spoke at my school
Go to the Pawn Stars' shop: On my way to Wyoming
Meet a Rock Star: Tommy Lee at the club I used to work at
Buy a house: More on that later
Go to the Olympics: 1996 - Atlanta
Climb the Great Wall of China: April 2008
See the Taj Mahal: March 2008
Go on Safari: February 2008
Shoot a machine gun: March 2008
Start a Non-Profit: More on that later
Shave my head: February 2008

Huell Howser and I
Shooting an M-60 in Vietnam
Pawn Stars shop
Whaddya think?  What are some items in your bucket list?  Should I make it official?  This is going to take some thinking and pondering and picking-o'-my-brain and such before I make a commitment to list the rest of my goals.  Lists have to be completed! (That's the OCD inside of me talking there.)

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